UNFI Insights makes retail analysis easy by providing dashboards detailing your UNFI sales, velocity, and distribution data, in addition to comp sales, chargebacks, and store retention.

UNFI Insights suppliers have access to exclusive data sets that aren’t available through the UNFI Natural portal or SVHarbor. These data sets power the Distribution Expansion, Category Performance, and Spoilage Risk dashboards, and are also available in destination connectors. For more on what's different about UNFI Insights data, see the UNFI Insights data differences section.

All other UNFI Insights dashboards are powered by reports that are available to suppliers through the Natural portal and SVHarbor. When sourcing UNFI Insights data in destination connectors, you can find UNFI Insights data that is available to UNFI Natural and SVHarbor customers by looking for tables that have "portal" in the name, such as Natural Portal Store


To access UNFI Insights:

  1. Log in to the myUNFI portal.
    The myUNFI home screen appears.

  2. From the Supplier Reporting section, select the UNFI insights tile.
    The main UNFI insights screen appears.

  3. If you want to see dashboards with essential analytics for monitoring your business health, from the Popular Dashboards section, select a tile (e.g., YOY Sales)


  4. For additional dashboards and features select one of the following options from the side navigation panel.


    • Analytics: See the full list of UNFI Insights dashboards, including the Explore dashboards, which provide extra analytics to help you take a deeper dive into your data and answer targeted questions about your business. For more detailed information, see UNFI Insights dashboards.
      Tip: You can apply filters to your dashboards to focus on on specific time frames, products, chains, and more. For more: Applying filters.

    • Knowledge Base: Browse or search help articles to learn more about UNFI insights dashboards and tools.

    • Crisp: Crisp is the platform that powers UNFI insights. You can click this tile to launch the Crisp platform and access additional Crisp features, such as the ability to feed your UNFI insights data to the BI tool of your choice, save and share reports, and more. To learn more about Crisp, see About Crisp.

      Note: When you click on the Crisp tile, you will be prompted to login with an existing email address and password or create a new account (at no cost). By default, you can access your UNFI data within Crisp, but you can also subscribe to Crisp to add data from more retailers/distributors. To book a demo of Crisp and learn more, click here

UNFI Insights data differences

UNFI Insights sales data differs from SVHarbor data in the following ways:

  • UNFI Insights data excludes DC to DC transfers from the category sales data, while SV Harbor data includes DC to DC transfers in category sales data.
  • UNFI Insights data includes all customer sales and obfuscates the customers for whom we are not allowed to share in the category sales data; SV Harbor reporting is removing these customer sales completely from the reports

For more help with UNFI Insights, please contact UNFIinsights@unfi.com.