Account Type

Choose whether you want to analyze your Amazon Seller or Vendor Central account data.


Filter for specific banners (the operating name of a retailer).


Filter for the name or sub-name of the company who manufactures the product.

Brand Presence (Adheres to All Filters)

Filter stores based on whether or not you are currently selling products in those stores (known as brand presence). Like most filters, if you have additional filters selected, the dashboard will only display data that matches all the selected filters. If you want to filter by brand presence for the selected time period and ignore all other filters use the Brand Presence (Adheres to Time Period Filter Only) filter.

Brand Presence (Adheres to Time Period Filter Only)

Filter stores based on whether or not you are currently selling products in those stores (known as brand presence). When you select an option from this filter, if you have additional filters (other than the time period filter) selected, those filters will be ignored. You can use this filter to quickly get a sense of stores where you may be missing out on high category performance or where to consider cutting distribution due to low category performance.


Filter for specific retail chains using the chain name.

Chain Code

Filter for specific retail chains using the chain code.

Chain Overview- Cases Shipped

Filter the Chain Overview table by the number of cases shipped.


Filter by the sales channel through which the item was sold.

Check Date

Filter by the accounts payable check issue date.


Filter by the store city.


If you have multiple connectors set up for a retailer/distributor, allows you to filter by specific connectors.


Filter by the store country.

Current Status Date

Filter by the distribution status (such as at risk or lost) date to help you get a sense of your distribution health by time period.

Current Status Filter

Filter by the distribution status to help you assess and take action to gain or retain points of distribution.


  • At Risk
  • Lost
  • New


Filter by the customer/store selling the product.

Customer City

Filter by the city in which the customer/store selling the product is located.

Customer Number

Filter by the customer/store selling the product using the customer number.

Customer State

Filter by the state in which the customer selling the product is located.


Filter by a time period or date range.

Date Granularity

Choose the granularity (e.g., daily, weekly, etc.) with which you want the data.

Distribution Center

Filter by the distribution center name.

Distribution Center Region

Filter by UNFI distribution center region (East or West). 

Distribution Center State

Filter by the distribution center state.


Filter by the store district.


Filter by store division.


Filter by the Target product identifier.

Due Date

Filter by the invoice due date.


Filter by the store format (e.g., small store)

Invoice Date

Filter by the invoice creation date.

Is Military?

Specify whether you want to include or exclude military sales.

Is Online Sale?

Specify whether you want to include or exclude online sales (site to home, site to store, store pickup, and ship to store).

Latest Quantity On Hand

Filter by the most recent number of on hand inventory units.

Lookback Period

Specify how far back in time you want Crisp to check for retroactive changes to the source data.

Market Region

Filter by Rite Aid market region (e.g., Eastern Div).

Measure Selection

Specify whether you want to see performance metrics in sales volume or dollars.

MDM Category

Filter by product categories created by your administrator using the master data manager (MDM) feature. For more about managing products via MDM, see Managing products.

MDM Segmentation

Choose whether you want to filter product tables by individual products, MDM product categories or subcategories. For more about managing products via MDM, see Managing products.

MDM Subcategory

Filter by product subcategories created by your administrator using the master data manager (MDM) feature. For more about managing products via MDM, see Managing products.


Filter by the product merchant.

My Shopify Sales are in

Specify whether you want to see your Shopify sales in units or cases.

Only Show Full Periods?

Specify whether to include or exclude dates that don't make up a full time period based on the selected date granularity.

Only Show Products at Risk?

Specify whether or not to include products on the UNFI Spoilage Risk dashboard that are not at risk of expiring. You can set this filter to No to see expiration dates for products that are not yet at risk. 

Pack Size

Filter by the combined product pack, quantity, size, and unit of measure number (e.g.,


Percent Change in Sales Quantity

Filter for time periods that meet the specified percent change in sales criteria (e.g., only weeks that have a 10 percent or greater increase in sales). 

Percent Change in Units Per Store Per Week

Filter for time periods that meet the specified percent change in units per store per week criteria (e.g., only weeks that have an increase in units per store per week between 0 and 5 percent). 


Filter by product name.

Product ASIN

Filter by the product Amazon standard identification number (ASIN).

Product Category

Filter by the retailer/distributor product category (e.g., Bottled). 

Product Class

Filter by the retailer/distributor product class (e.g., Pasta Sauce). 

Product Class Group

Filter by the retailer/distributor product class group (e.g., Gourmet). 

Product Code

Filter by the retailer/distributor product identification code.

Product Subclass

Filter by the retailer/distributor product subclass (e.g., Premium). 

Product Subcategory

Filter by the retailer/distributor product subclass (e.g., Fruit Juice)

Product Overview- Cases Shipped

Filter by the total number of cases shipped for a product based on the value in the Product Overview table.

Product Pack

Filter by the number of units in a pack.

Product Selection

Specify whether you want to see data for just your products, just products that are not yours, or data for all products.

Product SKU

Filter by product stock keeping unit (SKU), a unique identifier for a product defined by the supplier.

Product Variety

Filter by the product variety (e.g., Tomato).


Filter by the store province.

Quantity On Hand

Filter by the number of units or cases on hand.


Filter by the retailer/distributor geographic region name or code.


Filter by the retailer.

Select a Time Period

Filter by a specific time period (e.g., last 52 weeks)

Choose the granularity (e.g., daily, weekly, etc.) with which you want the data.

Service Date

Filter by service date time period (e.g., is in the last 2 years).

Ship State

Filter by the state to which the order was shipped.


Filter by the state in which the store is located.


Filter by the store name.

Store Format

Filter by the store format (e.g., SuperTarget)

Store Number

Filter by the store identification number.

Store Rank

Filter by store rank.

Store State

Filter by the state in which the store is located.

Store Zone

Filter by the Wegmans store district name and number (e.g., 01-Rochester).

Subcategory Selection

Specify whether you want to see data for just products in your subcategories, just products that are not in your subcategories, or data for all products.

Supplier Number

Filter by the UNFI supplier number.

Total Purchases

Filter by the total number of purchases a store has made to help you gauge which stores move the highest and lowest volume of your products. 

Units Per Store Per Week

Filter by the number of units sold per store per week.


Filter by the universal product code (UPC).

Velocity Calculation Method

Choose the method you want to use to calculate velocity metrics. Crisp uses a standard velocity calculation method. However, many brands choose to calculate velocity differently depending on their business and products, so Crisp allows you to a choice of calculation methods. For more on these methods including calculation details, see Velocity calculation methods.

Weeks Lookback for Stores with Sales

Specify how far back in time you want Crisp to check for retroactive changes to the source data for stores with sales.

Weeks of Supply Lookback period

Specify how far back in time you want Crisp to check for retroactive changes to the source date for weeks of supply.

Weeks to Expiration

Filter by the number of weeks your products have until expiration to help you identify units at risk of spoilage, so you can take action to move the product quickly or donate it to avoid waste.

Zero Sales Weeks

Specify whether you want to include or exclude weeks that had zero sales.

Zip Rank

Filter by zip rank.