You can save a report, so you can easily revisit it with any filters you previously set up applied automatically. 

To save a report:

1. Apply any filters and customizations you want to the dashboard. Then, at the top-right corner of the screen, select Save view > Save as new view.


The Save report window appears.

2. In the Report name field, enter a report name, then select one of the following access levels:

  • Private: The report will only be visible to you.
  • All account users: The report will be visible to everyone who has access to your Crisp account.
  • Specific users: Allows you to individually select account users or enter the email addresses of people with whom you want to share the report. 

3. If you want this report to appear by default whenever you load this dashboard, select Set as default report for this dashboard.


4. Select the Save button.

Your report is saved and shared according to your selections. To access your saved reports, from the main menu on the left side of the screen, select Analytics, then select the Saved reports button at the top-right of the menu.