This report will help you refine your forecasting to stay ahead of market trends and align with demand. The following sections describe each page in this report.

Note: Walmart has an export limit of 10 million rows for this report for Luminate Basic customers. If you have a large amount of data, this report may include fewer weeks of forecast data.

Item Summary

This page gives you insight into your current forecast and forecast variance at the item level, as well as in stock levels and item weeks of supply. You can also see forecast details and how they compare to the item performance, so you can determine over or under forecast.

This page contains the following visualizations:

  • Forecast Overview metrics- These metrics (forecast variance, forecast quantity, etc.) help you gauge your overall forecast accuracy and see how it compares to sales quantity for the selected time period.
  • Product forecast details table- This table provides forecast details by product for the selected time period. To see DC or Store details for a product, you can right-click a product in the table and select Drill-through, then choose DC or Store details.
  • Sales Forecast vs. Sales Quantity- This trend chart helps you quickly identify weeks where an item is either under or over forecasted as compared to the sales quantity.

DC Item Summary

This page helps you understand which DCs have a large number of out of stock stores and what the DC-level forecast variance is to help you pinpoint where to focus your forecasting adjustment and out of stock reduction efforts. You can select a DC in the table to filter the chart by that DC to investigate issues at a DC more deeply. Note: To access this page, you must drill-through from the Item Summary page.

Store Item Summary

This page helps you understand which stores have a large number of out of stock stores and what the store-level forecast variance is to help you pinpoint where to focus your forecasting adjustment and out of stock reduction efforts. You can select a store in the table to filter the chart by that store to investigate issues at a store more deeply. Note: To access this page, you must drill-through from the Item Summary page.