This report allows you to compare your points of distribution (PODs) between two modular relays and see the sales impact of the change in PODs, so you can determine how product mix changes impact your business. 

Note: This report is in beta release. For questions or feedback, please contact Crisp support

DC Item Matrix - Overview page

This page provides an overall picture of your distribution health and allows you to see the difference in PODs between two points in time, before and after a product mix change. 


Overview tiles

  • POD - Current: The POD count for the modular active on the date you specify in the Current Effective Date filter.
  • POD - Previous: The POD count for the modular active on the date you specify in the Previous Effective Date filter.
  • Difference: The difference between the POD count on the previous effective date and the current effective date.
  • % Difference: The percent change in PODs from the previous effective date to the current effective date.
  • Est Impact: The estimated sales increase or decrease of the change in PODs from the previous effective date to the current effective date. 


  • POD Difference by DC: Displays the change in PODs for each DC to help you pinpoint where distribution is growing or declining. 
  • Estimated Annual Impact by DC: Displays the estimated sales increase or decrease due to the change in PODs by distribution center to help you understand where the biggest losses or gains are occuring.
  • POD Difference by Brand: Displays the change in PODs by brand to help you understand which brands are experiencing the biggest growth or decline.
  • Estimated Annual Impact by Brand: Displays the estimated sales increase or decrease due to the change in PODs by brand to help you understand which brands are driving the biggest losses or gains. 


  • Previous Effective Date: The date you want to use for previous effective values.
  • Current Effective Date: The date you want to use for current effective values.
  • Impact Tolerance: Allows you to adjust the degree to which modular changes will influence velocity. For example, if you choose 50%, the calculations will assume the velocity to be half its original value prior to the modular change. 

DC Item Matrix page


DC/Item table

This table provides current and previous POD counts and the difference between them by distribution center and brand, so a merchant can get a sense of how much a modular impacted their brand and items. You can also review this table to ensure that an item/dc combination is assigned to an adequate number of stores. 

DC Item Matrix - POD Impact page


Category/Item table

This table provides more details on the sales impact of POD changes to help you take a deeper look at sales impact by category and product.