This article provides a list of new features and enhancements to Crisp. You can use the following links to jump to a specific section.
December 2024 updates
November 2024 updates
October 2024 updates
September 2024 updates
August 2024 updates
July 2024 updates
May 2024 updates
April 2024 updates
March 2024 updates
December 2024 updates
Crisp Retail Analytics and Reporting Studio updates
Upgraded tables and added new fields to Walmart Luminate normalized models
What’s new?
We’ve made the following changes to our normalized Walmart Luminate outbound connectors:
- Upgraded the Store Sales table to be based on the new version of this feed provided by Walmart (Store Sales 2), as Walmart is deprecating the previously used legacy version of this feed.
- Upgraded the Omni Sales table to be based on the new version of this feed provided by Walmart (Omni Sales 2), as Walmart is deprecating the previously used legacy version of this feed.
- As part of the upgrade, the Store Sales and Omni Sales tables now include the market_id field.
- We added the scan_count metric to our normalized Sales and Customer Return tables as this is available in our source tables.
Data model version information
This change is available as of 11/30/24 in the following connector versions:
- Walmart Luminate Charter (normalized)- v 1.50
- Walmart Luminate Basic (normalized)- v 2.16
- Walmart Luminate Category Advisor (normalized)- v 1.48
- Walmart Nielsen Alc Bev (normalized)- v 1.7
November 2024 updates
Crisp Retail Analytics and Reporting Studio updates
Walmart forecast data now available for a longer time range
What’s new?
Previously, 52 weeks of forecast data was available for Walmart, but we made an enhancement to allow availability of 104 weeks of forecast feed data.
New Reporting Studio Weekly Item Price Change Alert stock report
What’s new?
This new stock report provides weekly alerts on item price changes across Walmart stores, so you can monitor pricing trends and adjust pricing strategies to stay competitive.
Crisp Retail Analytics now includes Luminate basic Supply Chain report now includes more pages
What’s new?
The Walmart Luminate Basic workspace now includes the following report pages that were previously only available in other workspaces:
- PO Detail: This page provides information about all purchase order metrics at the Walmart item level.
- PO Line Item: This page provides information about purchase order line metrics details at the item level.
New Ecom Product Content Score tables in Walmart Luminate outbound data sources
What’s new?
The Luminate Charter, Category Advisor, and Walmart Nielsen Alc Bev connectors include the following new table:
- Ecom Product Content Score: This feed provides the ability to see the content quality score for all eComm products listed online, to help you to measure the online presence of items and identify potential issues. These are key metrics that will help aid in monitoring and improving the online presence of products.
Crisp Reporting Studio Traited Valid Gap report now available
What’s new?
The Traited Valid Gap report has been converted over from legacy Atlas systems to running on Crisp’s BigQuery datasets and is available for Luminate for Crisp Reporting Studio customers. This report provides traited and valid store counts by item and metrics that compare the difference between them.
Crisp and UNFI dashboard enhancements
You can now add custom product and store categories in MDM and filter for them
What’s new?
MDM spreadsheets now contain 4 new product category and store category fields to allow you to create more custom product or store categories. You can also now filter your dashboards by these custom fields.
How do I see it?
To see the new options in MDM, download the MDM product or store data spreadsheets.
To see the new filters, from the filters menu, select More, then choose a new product or store category field.
Data model updates
New Ecom Product Content Score and Sales Tender tables in Walmart Luminate source outbound data sources
What’s new?
The Luminate Charter, Category Advisor, and Walmart Nielsen Alc Bev connectors now include the following new source tables:
- Ecom Product Content Score: This feed provides the ability to see the content quality score for all eComm products listed online, to help you to measure the online presence of items and identify potential issues. These are key metrics that will help aid in monitoring and improving the online presence of products.
- Sales Tender: Provides insights into the payment methods Walmart shoppers use to purchase your products. This can help you make more informed assortment planning decisions, identify potential growth opportunities, and improve your forecasts. Types of sales tender available include, but are not limited to, cash, credit, debit, coupon redemptions, and EBT.
Data model version information
These changes are available as of the following connector versions:
- Walmart Luminate Charter (source)- v 1.48 (available as of 11/7/24)
- Walmart Luminate Category Advisor (source)- v 1.47 (available as of 11/7/24)
- Walmart Nielsen Alc Bev (source)- v 1.5 (available as of 11/14)
New tables added to source Walmart Luminate Charter outbound connector
What’s new?
To keep up to date with new feeds provided by Walmart, the following new tables are now available in our source outbound connector:
- Purchase Order Alloc Order- Provides purchase order allocation details from DC to DC, DC to store, or store to store.
- RFID SKU- Provides the ability to view the last rfid scan update, to help ensure accurate inventory and in-stocks.
- RFID On Hand Adjustments- Provides the ability to view any adjustments made to the enterprise inventory, to help ensure accurate inventory and in-stocks.
- Purchase Order DC Receiver- Provides the ability to see shipment details for merchandise received at a distribution center.
- Purchase Order DC Receiver Line- Provides the ability to view details of purchase order line items received at the DC, such as received quantity, overages, shortages, and damaged items.
- Future Valid Item- Helps suppliers ensure that Mod Plans are taking into account an item's validity at the store at that time. An item is considered valid if it is actively replenishing.
- Purchase Order Stock Transfer- Provides information on the movement of merchandise between Walmart owned locations such as dc to dc, dc to store, store to store, etc.
Data model version information
These changes are available as of 11/5/24 in the following connector version:
- Walmart Luminate Charter (source)- v 1.47
Walmart Luminate connectors now include normalized sales tender tables
What’s new?
Our Walmart Luminate Charter and Walmart Nielsen Alc Bev connectors now include a normalized Sales Tender table. This table provides insights into the payment methods Walmart shoppers use to purchase your products. This can help you make more informed assortment planning decisions, identify potential growth opportunities, and improve your forecasts. Types of sales tender available include, but are not limited to, cash, credit, debit, coupon redemptions, and EBT.
Data model version information
This change is available as of 11/18/24 in the following connector versions:
- Walmart Luminate Charter (normalized)- v 1.49
- Walmart Nielsen Alc Bev (normalized)- v 1.6
Upgraded tables and added new fields to Walmart Luminate normalized models
What’s new?
We’ve made the following changes to our normalized Walmart Luminate outbound connectors:
- Upgraded the Store Sales table to be based on the new version of this feed provided by Walmart (Store Sales 2), as Walmart is deprecating the previously used legacy version of this feed.
- Upgraded the Omni Sales table to be based on the new version of this feed provided by Walmart (Omni Sales 2), as Walmart is deprecating the previously used legacy version of this feed.
- As part of the upgrade, the Store Sales and Omni Sales tables now include the market_id field.
- We added the scan_count metric to our normalized Sales and Customer Return tables as this is available in our source tables.
Data model version information
These changes are available as of 11/30/24 in the following connector versions:
- Walmart Luminate Charter (normalized)- v 1.50
- Walmart Luminate Basic (normalized)- v 2.16
- Walmart Luminate Category Advisor (normalized)- v 1.48
- Walmart Nielsen Alc Bev (normalized)- v 1.7
October 2024 updates
Crisp Retail Analytics and Reporting Studio updates
Crisp Retail Analytics (CRS) Advanced Adhoc report enhancements
What’s new?
The Advanced Adhoc tool has been converted over from legacy Atlas systems to running on Crisp’s BigQuery datasets and contains the following enhancements:
- Calculated measures: You can now add a set of new measures calculated by Crisp to your Adhoc reports, so you can easily analyze common metrics like dollars per store per week.
- Schedules and user reports: You can now create user reports or schedules that contain an Adhoc report you created with the Advanced or Basic Adhoc tool.
New Crisp Retail Analytics (CRA) Planned Adhoc report page
What’s new?
This new page allows you to create a custom report that shows what Walmart is planning to order in a specific time frame, so you can make sure your supply planning is on track.
New Crisp Reporting Studio (CRS) Basic Adhoc report now available to all
What’s new?
This report is a simplified version of the Advanced Adhoc report and it guides you through the report requirements of running a query.
Crisp and UNFI dashboard enhancements
Resolved an issue where resources links weren't loading in UNFI Insights
What’s new?
We resolved an issue where links in the Resources menu were not loading. Now, these resources links open in new tabs to resolve the error and prevent similar issues in the future. If you are unable to sign in when you select the Academy link in the Resources menu, you can copy and paste the URL into a new tab and sign in.
New DC Region filter on UNFI Natural dashboards
What’s new?
On the following UNFI Natural dashboards, you can now filter by DC region, so you can easily track regional sales trends, optimize inventory, and improve supply chain efficiency.
- YOY Sales, YOY Velocity, and YOY Distribution
- Sales, Velocity, and Distribution
Source and Destination connector updates
Renamed the Walmart Chargeback connector to Walmart OTIF
What’s new?
We have renamed the Walmart Chargeback connector from Walmart Chargeback to Walmart OTIF as it better represents the data that we are ingesting.
Walmart Luminate Basic connector now includes Walmart NOVA data
What’s new?
Walmart NOVA is a Retail Link application that takes snapshot reports of all POs transmitted from Walmart. This data is now included in our Crisp Retail Analytics Luminate Basic Supply Chain report to provide additional supply chain and purchase order insight. This data is also available in the Luminate Basic destination connector in the Nova Order Header and Nova Order Line tables.
September 2024 updates
Crisp Retail Analytics and Reporting Studio updates
Crisp Retail Analytics Supply Chain Health report PO data enhancements for Charter
What’s new?
We've added new PO Detail and PO Line item pages to this report that provide purchase order (PO) data that is sourced from Luminate feeds. These feeds provide more current PO data than previously sourced OMNI OTIF data feeds, allowing you to have greater visibility into current and future POs.
Crisp Retail Analytics reports no longer refresh when a Microsoft authentication happens in the background
What’s new?
Previously, CRA reports would sometimes reload without an apparent reason, causing disruption. These reloads happened when you interacted with a report after a period of inactivity, triggering a Microsoft Authentication to happen in the background. Now, when Crisp performs a background authentication, the report does not reload.
More Crisp Reporting Studio reports now run on BigQuery data, allowing you to schedule email reports
What’s new?
After Crisp acquired Atlas Technology Group, work began to transition the Reporting Studio product to use Crisp's systems, like our BigQuery data warehouse. The following Reporting Studio reports have now been converted from running on previous systems to running on Crisp’s BigQuery datasets. This allows Reporting Studio customers to schedule Excel email reports for these reports, so they can easily get the latest data in their inbox. These BigQuery datasets are the same ones used to power Crisp Retail Analytics dashboards, so this also allows for a more efficient and consistent experience across these products.
Reporting Studio Charter reports:
- DC Push Tool (Charter and Advisor): Helps you track your product distribution within Walmart’s supply chain and plan production and replenishment.
- Segment Dashboard: Allows you to evaluate sales trends across different product segments.
- SSO Writer: Allows you to easily create a Store Specific Order (SSO) by specifying items you want to restock and receiving suggested order quantities rolled up to the DC level to help you avoid sending partial cases to a DC.
Reporting Studio Basic reports:
- Performance Report: Provides information at the topline, segment, and item level to help you quickly understand topline changes over multiple time ranges.
- Store Inventory: Provides a quick view of store-specific inventory metrics, such as On Hand, In Transit, In Whse, On Order, and Last On Hand Adjustment Qty with Adj Date.
- Item Change Alert: Allows you to monitor changes to your items based on a specific item attribute.
- New Item Alert: Displays items that are new since last week to alert you of items that require attribution.
- New Item Tracker 13 Weeks: This Excel report gives you an overview of key new item metrics such as sales, inventory, and instock builds by week.
- 52 Week Item Performance: Provides a comprehensive 52-week performance overview based on a variety of metrics, allowing you to easily track 52-week trends starting from a week of your choosing.
- Store Count Change: Alerts you of any store count changes that have happened in the selected time period and returns store count changes by item. You can customize the store count thresholds by specifying change as either absolute count or percent difference.
- Future Forecast: Provides Forecast for the next 17 weeks and comparison of changes from the previous week's forecast.
- Zero Sales Traited: Provides an overview of stores that are traited for an item but have zero sales for the selected timeframe.
- Supply Chain Summary: Provides key supply chain metrics such as in stock, store and dc inventory, store and dc weeks of supply, total on order, and total inventory weeks of supply. This report allows for custom slicer and time range selections.
- Performance Comp Review: Provides a way to look at both brick and mortar and online sales and inventory performance across time frames at multiple levels.
- Store List: Provides a full list of all stores and attributes associated with them.
- Item List: Provides a list of all items and attribution regardless of the item’s sales volume or other transactional metrics.
- Current Inventory: Summarizes itemized inventory, detailing POS metrics, store counts, instock percentages, stock statuses, inventory movement, and supply duration.
- Multiple Time Range Adhoc (Basic and Advisor): Allows you to quickly create a custom analysis for multiple time ranges.
New Crisp Reporting Studio reports and enhancements
What’s new?
The following new reports and enhancements are now available:
- Custom UPC Attribution Alert: Allows you to review your custom UPC attribution and identify any UPCs that do not meet the 13-digit standard.
52 Week Item Performance report (Charter): The Charter version of this report now contains a Summary visualization to match the Basic version of this report.
52 Week Item Performance report (Advisor): This report is now available for advisor customers, with adjustments made to some visualizations if the data was not available in advisor.
- Multiple Time Range Adhoc (Advisor): This report, which allows you to quickly create a custom analysis for multiple time ranges, is now available in for advisor customers.
Crisp and UNFI dashboard enhancements
UNFI Insights fresh (Tony’s Fine Foods) dashboards now available
What’s new?
The following dashboards are now available for customers that have both UNFI Insights and Tony’s Fine Foods (TFF) business.
- Business Health dashboards: Year Over Year Sales, Year Over Year Velocity, and Year Over Year Distribution
- Explore dashboards: Sales, Velocity, Distribution, and Distribution Center Inventory
To make TFF data available for an outbound destination, you can add a TFF supplier ID on the UNFI Insights connector set up screen.
New ‘Product Code’ column that helps you track products that don’t have a UPC added to more UNFI dashboards
What’s new?
Sometimes products don’t have a UPC either because it’s missing or because it is a product (such as UNFI Fresh products) that are sold by PLU. The UPC could also be generated by UNFI and not meaningful to the customer.
We have added Product Code columns and filters to the following dashboards:
- Distribution Expansion (Natural and Conventional)
- Category Performance (Natural and Conventional)
- Spoilage Risk (Natural and Conventional)
The UNFI Insights Conventional Vendor Booked Order table now has a normalized version
What’s new?
The Conventional Portal Booked Order normalized table is now available, so customers who are using Crisp normalized tables in an outbound destination can take advantage of this data.
Note: This is the normalized version of this corresponding source table: Conventional Vendor Booked Order (source table).
UNFI Insights Natural DC Inventory dashboard now displaying correct name for PHI distribution center data
What’s new?
Previously, data for the “PHI” distribution center was incorrectly displaying as “PHL” in the Natural Distribution Center Inventory dashboard. We have resolved this issue and PHI DC data is now correctly labeled.
UNFI Insights Natural DC Inventory dashboard now displays zip code data
What’s new?
We resolved an issue where the Details table on this dashboard was missing zip code data for the distribution centers.
Store numbers on UNFI Natural dashboards now correctly include leading zeros
What’s new?
Previously, we removed leading zeroes in store numbers in UNFI Natural data in our normalization process. However, these leading zeroes were meaningful, making some data incorrectly appear like it was for the same store. We’ve resolved this issue and store numbers now include leading zeroes.
UNFI dashboard visualizations now display period start date label on hover
What’s new?
Now, when you hover on over time visualizations, the date that appears has a new “Period Start Date” date label to help clarify the date for the displayed data point(s).
You can now easily check which Crisp account you are logged into by hovering over the Crisp logo
What’s new?
If you have access to more than one account, you can now more easily see which Crisp account you are signed into by hovering over the Crisp logo at the top left of the screen and checking the account name and number.
New store and chargeback data on the UNFI Natural Chargebacks dashboard
What’s new?
We’ve added the following metrics to the Details table on this dashboard to create parity with UNFI’s legacy MCB emailed reports: Store Address, Store City, Store State, Store ZIP, MCB Code, MCB Category.
New warning messages make upgrading connector versions easier
What’s new?
Sometimes, when you attempt to upgrade tables in a connector to newer versions, issues were occurring when tables were deselected in the connector setup screen, but were not removed in the destination (such as Excel). Now, when you deselect tables in a connector, you receive the following warning message and link to a Crisp knowledge base article with more information about upgrading or saving a connector to a clone.
UNFI Spoilage risk dashboard now provides expiration dates for all products
What’s new?
You can now use this dashboard to see expiration dates for products that are not at risk of expiring to help you better manage your inventory. Just set the Only Show Products at Risk? filter to No to see all your products and their expiration dates.
Source and Destination connector updates
Whole Foods Market connector history is now blended to provide more historical data to current customers
What’s new?
Whole Foods Market (WFM) has switched to a new portal called Quicksite that we integrated to earlier this year. However, WFM put a new restriction in the Quicksite portal where we are no longer able to pull a full two years of customer historical data (we can only go back 6 months). To mitigate this, we have blended current customer's old WFM data pulled from the deprecated portal (Microstrategy), so all customers that have been with Crisp prior to the new portal still have a full two years of history.
August 2024 updates
Crisp Retail Analytics updates
More Crisp Reporting Studio reports now run on BigQuery data, allowing you to schedule email reports
What’s new?
After Crisp acquired Atlas Technology Group, work began to transition the Reporting Studio product to use Crisp's systems, like our BigQuery data warehouse. The following Reporting Studio reports have now been converted from running on previous systems to running on Crisp’s BigQuery datasets. This allows Reporting Studio customers to schedule Excel email reports for these reports, so they can easily get the latest data in their inbox. These BigQuery datasets are the same ones used to power Crisp Retail Analytics dashboards, so this also allows for a more efficient and consistent experience across these products.
Reporting Studio Charter reports:
- Walmart Forecast: Displays historical sales data and trends to predict short-term sales performance, so you can make immediate adjustments to inventory and marketing tactics.
- Future Forecast: Displays long-term predictive sales data using advanced analytics and market trends, so you can plan strategic initiatives and long-term resource allocation effectively.
- Weekly Sales Tracker: Provides weekly sales performance across different product categories, so you can monitor trends and identify areas needing attention.
- Performance Comp Review: Displays comparative performance metrics across time frames at multiple levels for both brick & mortar and online sales.
- Dynamic New Item Tracker: Helps you monitor the performance and distribution of newly introduced items to help you assess market acceptance and adjust strategies accordingly.
Forecast Outlier Review (Charter and Basic): Provides significant deviations in sales forecasts, so you can identify and investigate unexpected market trends, supply chain issues, or promotional impacts.
Reporting Studio Basic reports:
Replenishment Dashboard: Provides inventory levels and replenishment needs, so you can ensure optimal stock levels and prevent out of stock or overstock situations.
Inventory and Instock: Helps you track inventory levels and in-stock status across Walmart stores, so you can manage stock effectively and avoid out of stocks.
Weekly Sales Tracker: Provides detailed weekly sales data, so you can monitor product performance, optimize inventory levels, and adjust marketing strategies.
SSO Writer: Allows you to easily create a Store Specific Order (SSO) by specifying items you want to restock and receiving suggested order quantities rolled up to the DC level to help you avoid sending partial cases to a DC.
Distribution Changes Alert: Provides information on changes in product distribution across Walmart stores, so you can monitor and adjust your distribution strategy to ensure optimal product availability and alignment with demand shifts.
Color schemes now match on the Post Modular Review page of the Product Mix Breakdown report
What’s new?
On the pre & post modular sales over time visualization on this page, all the bars in the chart that are now shades of green (rather than one of light blue) to match the color schemes of other visualizations on this report.
On the Supply Chain Health report, the On Time Accountability measure now matches Walmart’s calculation
What’s new?
An issue has been resolved where the Crisp On Time Accountability measure on the Supply Chain Health > Summary report page did not include canceled purchase order cases. Since Walmart includes these cases in the measure, the Crisp measure now includes them as well and this measure now matches the value seen in the Walmart Retail Link OTIF portal dashboard.
Note: Canceled purchase order cases still count against a supplier’s OTIF score.
Performance Insights report enhancements (Charter and Advisor workspaces)
What’s new?
This report now contains the following enhancements.
Enhancements to all pages
Report pages that include tables have been changed from using a matrix layout for those tables to tabular layout, which provides the look of a continuous table while maintaining the advanced capabilities of the matrix visual, making the data easier to follow.
Insights Overview page enhancements
- Now, when you hover over a state in the heat map, the following velocity measures on the card that appears are calculated using traited stores. Using traited stores provides greater accuracy as these are the stores in which your products should be selling, rather than just stores that registered a sale.
- Velocity Sales (Stores w/Sales) Current has been replaced with Velocity Sales (Traited Stores) Current
- Velocity Units (Stores w/Sales) Current has been replaced with Velocity Units (Traited Stores) Current
- In the POS Sales $ by Channel stacked bar chart, you can now select a channel to filter the visualization by channel.
Business Overview page enhancements
This page now includes a Select a Time Period filter.
Business Trend page enhancements
New YOY % tooltip added to each of the line chart visualizations.
Rollback Summary page enhancements
- In the Baseline Percent filter, you can now specify a negative value, so you can perform analysis tasks that deal with declines in sales.
- The $/S/W and U/S/W tiles on this page are now calculated using traited stores rather than stores with sales. Using traited stores provides greater accuracy as these are the stores in which your products should be selling, rather than just stores that registered a sale.
Pricing Dynamics report Price Change Velocity Tracker page table enhancements
What’s new?
We resolved an issue where previously products that did not experience a price change were sometimes showing up on visualizations on this page, such as the Pre vs Post Price Change table. We’ve adjusted the filters on this page, so that visualizations now display only products that have truly had a price change.
Crisp Retail Analytics Adhoc Multi Range Time Period report now includes totals in the table
What’s new?
To help you more easily analyze your data, the table on this report now includes totals for each of the numerical columns.
Crisp Retail Analytics Launch Success Tracker report enhancements
What’s new?
- The $/S/W and U/S/W tiles on this page are now calculated using traited stores rather than stores with sales. Using traited stores provides greater accuracy as these are the stores in which your products should be selling, rather than just stores that registered a sale.
- This report now contains mass filters for store and item number, so you can more easily filter the report by a group of stores or items.
Crisp Retail Analytics Category Benchmarking report enhancements for the Shopper workspace
What’s new?
This report in the Shopper workspace now contains the following enhancements:
- Walmart year and week numbers are now included in filters on all pages
- Previously, we had a time period filter applied by default that was causing a different Walmart week to be displayed than what was set in the the Walmart Year and Week Number filters. We have now removed the default filter, so that the report accurately reflects what is is set in the Walmart Year and Week Number filters.
- The report header on the Adhoc Select a Time Period page now includes both report and page name to match the other pages in this report
- New Adhoc Start and End Week page allows you to quickly analyze a specific period of Walmart weeks. This report page also contains the following new measures:
- Stores Scanning (UPC)- Count of stores that registered a scan during the selected time frame.
- Velocity Sales UPC- Calculated as: Stores Scanning / Sales Amount / Number of Weeks
- Velocity Units UPC- Calculated as: Stores Scanning / Sales Quantity / Number of Weeks
July 2024 updates
Crisp Retail Analytics updates
Walmart Luminate data type changes on Omni OTIF reports
What’s new?
On Omni OTIF reports, the following metrics have now changed data types:
Column Name | Old Data Type | New Data Type |
invoice_amt |
decimal(10,4) |
decimal(15,2) |
charged_ind |
string |
integer |
first_row_of_po_line |
string |
integer |
ais_validation_flag |
string |
integer |
dlvr_wndw_nbr |
integer |
long |
pro_dt_ind |
boolean |
integer |
cancel_reason_cd_to_use |
string |
integer |
consolidation_ind |
boolean |
integer |
vendor_9 |
string |
integer |
Crisp Reporting Studio Charter reports now run on BigQuery data, allowing you to schedule email reports
What’s new?
After Crisp acquired Atlas Technology Group, work began to transition the Reporting Studio product to use Crisp's systems, like our BigQuery data warehouse. The following Reporting Studio reports have now been converted from running on previous systems to running on Crisp’s BigQuery datasets. This allows Reporting Studio customers to schedule Excel email reports for these reports, so they can easily get the latest data in their inbox. These BigQuery datasets are the same ones used to power Crisp Retail Analytics dashboards, so this also allows for a more efficient and consistent experience across these products.
Reporting Studio Charter reports:
- Dynamic Scorecard: Provides a comprehensive view of sales, inventory, and compliance performance metrics to help you improve your overall business health.
- Warehouse Inventory: Offers detailed insights into inventory levels and turnover rates across Walmart’s warehouses to help you optimize stock management and align with demand.
- Store Count Change: Shows changes in the number of Walmart stores carrying your products, assisting you in adjusting your distribution and supply chain strategies.
- Inventory and Instock: Helps you track inventory levels and in-stock status across Walmart stores, so you can manage stock effectively and avoid out of stocks.
- Supply Chain Summary: Provides an overview of supply chain performance, including lead times and fulfillment rates, to help you identify and address inefficiencies.
- Store List: Lists all Walmart stores with detailed information to help you plan distribution, address issues, and create marketing strategies based on store locations.
- Basic Item List: Contains details on all your items carried by Walmart, including product IDs and descriptions, to help you track product listings and maintain accurate item information.
Reporting Studio Basic reports:
- Warehouse Inventory: Offers detailed insights into inventory levels and turnover rates across Walmart’s warehouses to help you optimize stock management and align with demand.
- Forecast: Provides projected sales and demand forecasts to assist you in planning production and inventory levels to match anticipated demand.
- Dynamic New Item Tracker: Helps you monitor the performance and distribution of newly introduced items to help you assess market acceptance and adjust strategies accordingly.
Crisp and UNFI dashboard enhancements
On UNFI Insights sales dashboards, you can now right-click to quickly see sales by product/store combination over time
What’s new?
On both Natural and Conventional UNFI Insights sales dashboards, you can now right-click the amount in the Total Sales Dollars or Total Cases Shipped tiles and select Show by product over time to drill-through to a table of sales dollars by week for each product/store combination. This new drill-through screen replicates the functionality of a deprecated SBO Velocity email report that some suppliers were reliant on in the past.
New forecast columns on the UNFI Insights Natural Distribution Center (DC) Inventory dashboard
What’s new?
The Conventional DC Inventory dashboard includes Forecast Quantity and Forecast Dollars columns. Since we have this forecast data for Natural from the Vendor Browse report, we’ve added these forecast columns to the Natural Distribution Center Inventory dashboard as well.
New ‘Weight’ column on UNFI Conventional sales dashboards helps you better monitor variable weight products
What’s new?
The new Weight column on UNFI Conventional Sales and YOY Sales dashboards allows you to see total pounds, so you can easily track sales and optimize your supply chain for variable weight products.
New ‘Product Code’ column on UNFI Natural dashboards helps you track products that don’t have a UPC
What’s new?
We have added a Product Code column to UNFI Natural dashboards to help customers identify products without UPCs and to create parity with UNFI Conventional dashboards which already contain this column.
Source and Destination connector updates
Whole Foods Portal access restored
What’s new?
Whole Foods has completed its internal review of our account and we have been given full access to our customer’s brands data. We have also updated our ingestion to account for changes that were made while our access was under review and are currently in the process of backfilling our customer’s data for the prior two years.
June 2024 updates
Crisp Retail Analytics updates
New Adhoc report page on the Luminate Shopper Category Benchmarking report
What’s new?
This Luminate Shopper report now contains an Adhoc Select a Time Period page. Like other ad hoc pages, the pages in this report are blank report templates that allow you to create a custom analysis, so you can quickly answer specific business questions. You can easily add the dimensions and facts that are relevant to your analysis and use bulk store and item filter fields to paste a list and quickly hone in on the exact stores and/or items you are interested in without the need to search through separate filters or make one selection at a time. For more on Adhoc reports, see the Walmart Luminate Adhoc report article.
Retail Excellence report enhancements
What’s new?
We’ve added measures to this report that provide the latest data for on order, on hand, and in stock metrics, to ensure you can understand the cause of nil picks by having the latest data for comparison. For example, you can now see if a store that doesn’t have inventory on hand, does currently have inventory on order. This report now contains the following measures:
- On Order Quantity (Store - Latest)
- On Order Amount (Store - Latest)
- On Order Cost (Store - Latest)
Store Fulfillment Item Details Report Page enhancements:
The table now contains the following measures:
- In Stock Replenishment % (Store) Current
- On Hand Quantity (Store - Latest)
- On Order Quantity (Store - Latest)
- On Hand Quantity Weekly Average (Store)
Buyer and buyer code fields are now available to add to reports in Luminate Basic
What’s new?
The Buyer Name and Buyer Code metrics from our normalized models that we previously added to the Crisp Retail Analytics semantic model are now available in Luminate Basic reports. These fields simplify reporting if you have a broad portfolio and need to speak to a specific buyer (merchant) request. They allow you to see only the products for which your particular merchant is responsible.
New OTIF measures on the Luminate Charter Performance Insights report
What’s new?
The Supplier Scorecard page on this report now aligns more closely with the Supplier Scorecard report in the Luminate portal, so you can see all the sales, inventory, and on time and in full (OTIF) performance metrics you need in one place. The following metrics are now available in the Sales Metrics table on this page:
- OTIF- On Time %
- OTIF- In Full %
New order forecast metrics added to our Crisp Retail Analytics model
What’s new?
The following order forecast metrics are now available for you to add to your reports:
- Need Arrival Date / Scheduled Arrival Date: The date by which the order needs to arrive at the destination to meet demand.
- Need Ship Date: The latest date by which the order must be shipped to meet the need arrival date.
- Available Ship Date (Charter only): The earliest date when the order is ready to be shipped from the supplier.
- Scheduled Ship Date (Charter only): The planned date for the order to be shipped from the supplier.
Crisp Walmart reporting now fully transitioned to Luminate
What’s new?
We have finished transitioning our Walmart reporting from using DSS data to being fully powered by Luminate Basic for the most recent two years of history.
Digital Pulse report enhancements
What’s new?
We’ve made the following enhancements to all report pages to add more filters and make them easier to use:
- You can now add the following filters when customizing filters:
- Traited Store Item Count: The store count of all the items with the replenishment status as Active, Inactive and New.
- Valid Store Item Count: The valid count of store/item combinations that are replenishable items.
- The Store Country filter that is applied to all pages, is now set by default to is not = PR, so that just U.S. states excluding outlying territories are displayed.
- Added header rows to tables and made some layout enhancements to some visualizations on the Digital Pulse Item Detail and Publication Insights Details report pages.
Crisp and UNFI dashboard enhancements
Extra security step when accepting email invitations to Crisp
What’s new?
Now, when accept an invitation to Crisp, you must manually enter your email address and click Accept Invitation before you are authenticated to enhance security.
Crisp Harmonized dashboards now more closely match UNFI Insights sales dashboards
What’s new?
Our Crisp harmonized dashboards now use the same version of underlying UNFI data as other UNFI Insights Sales dashboards. As a result, some metrics on our harmonized dashboards are now standardized and provide greater accuracy. For example, the previous data set powering our harmonized dashboards determined cost using wholesale cost for gross and a flat 80% of wholesale for net. The new data set provides the true price the retailer paid, which is more accurate. Also, the previous data set contained records with 0 sales, while the new one does not.
Source and Destination connector updates
New Walmart Chargebacks and Disputes connector
What’s new?
A new connector called Walmart Chargebacks is now available that provides the following Walmart data:
Note: We will be renaming the connector to “Retail Link for Luminate Basic Subscribers” in our next release.
- On Time In Full (OTIF) Scorecard
- Accounts Payable Disputes Portal (APDP)
This data is extremely powerful in helping you understand how you are delivering against Walmart’s stated standards and any charges assessed for violating those standards. We also pull the status of your current chargeback disputes with Walmart to add even more value. This data has also been added to Crisp Retail Analytics.
New Kroger Data Direct Tables - Daily Out of Stock
What’s new?
We have added new tables to provide data from a new daily report that Kroger released to track out of stocks at a store level. It is available for all current Data Direct customers.
May 2024 updates
Crisp Retail Analytics updates
Enhancements to markdown pages on the Performance Insights report
What’s new?
We made the following enhancements to these report pages:
- MUMD % of Sales Quantity: Previously, this measure was displayed as decimal number. It is now correctly formatted as a percentage with two decimal points.
- On the Markdown - Store Detail page, we made the following enhancements:
- Updated the sort order on the matrix visual to Mumd Amount
- Changed the Select a Time Period filter from multi-select to single select
Category Benchmarking report enhancements
What’s new?
We made the following enhancements to the Sales and Share by Segment page on this report:
- The stacked bar charts are now sorted on the same axis
- The Share Point Sales Diff by Product Category Group chart now has the My Sales measure added as a tooltip field and the axis on this chart is now sorted to match the My Sales by Product Category Group chart to the left.
New ‘Last 26 weeks’ time filter option
What’s new?
On all reports with a Select a Time Period filter, a Last 26 weeks option is now available in this filter to allow you to easily analyze a rolling quarter.
New Performance Insights report pages: Rollback Summary and Geographic Detail
What’s new?
We have added the following new pages to the Performance Insights report:
- Rollback Summary: Provides an easy way for you to select an item or group of items on rollback see an overview of the performance of the item(s).
- Geographic Detail: Provides a quick overview of geographic performance over time by a variety of sales, inventory, velocity, and pricing measures.
Last Year measures now more accurately reflect timing for YTD comparison
What’s new?
We resolved an issue where prior year YTD measures were returning data for the full prior year time period rather than only the completed weeks of the current year. This allows month to date (MTD) values to be more accurate when compared year over year. This change affects many reports, but the Performance Insights Supplier Scorecard report is a key one.
New Home Office Recommended Retail Price measure in our models
What’s new?
We added the Home Office Recommended Price measure to the Crisp Retail Analytics models, so you can add it to your reports when personalizing visualizations and compare this pricing measure to the store specific retail and average retail amounts. Understanding differences in these price amounts can help you identify stores where your products are above/below home office retail amount.
Product Mix Breakdown report enhancements
What’s new?
We’ve made the following enhancements to this report:
- New Supplier Overview page (Advisor workspace only): This page allows category advisors to see supplier share (Sales Amount and Sales Quantity) for their categories, as well as a share point difference for each category.
- Created a new measure and corresponding filter called Crisp Modular Status to reduce the number of records that load in the initial report, thus improving load times and performance.
- Made some visual enhancements to sizing of elements on the report pages.
- Made some enhancements to filter sorting for better usability.
Stores with No Sales Measures renamed to be more precise
What’s new?
We renamed the following measures to clarify that these were stores not scanning:
- Fact Inventory Store'[Stores with no Sales (Traited) > renamed to: 'Fact Inventory Store'[Stores Not Scanning(Traited)
- Fact Inventory Store'[Stores with no Sales (Valid)] > renamed to: 'Fact Inventory Store'[Stores Not Scanning (Valid)]
New Utilities POD Count report page
What’s new?
The new POD Count page on the Utilities report provides an easy way to view your full POD count vs. just your PODs with sales, so you can easily determine the POD count used for Crisp billing purposes.
You can now add buyer and buyer code fields to your reports
What’s new?
The buyer and buyer_code fields from our normalized models are now part of our Power BI semantic model, allowing you to leverage buyer name and buyer code across Crisp Retail Analytics reports. This simplifies reporting if you have a broad portfolio and need to address a specific buyer (merchant) request. It allows you to see only the products for which your particular merchant is responsible.
New OTIF Performance page on the Supply Chain Health report for Charter
What’s new?
This new report page allows you to analyze your supply chain and determine areas to focus on for improvement.
Rollback Summary report enhancements
What’s new?
We previously released the Rollback Summary page on the Performance Insights report. Rollback Summary provides an easy way for you to select an item or group of items on rollback and see an overview of the performance of the item(s). We’ve now made this report even better with the following enhancements:
- Adjusted layering for better visibility of report elements.
- The transaction type table and service channel visualization can now be personalized.
Custom attribution filters in our model now use bi-directional filtering
What’s new?
You can personalize filters to use custom attributes in Crisp Retail Analytics. We’ve now set the filtering direction for custom attribute filters to bi-directional. Bi-directional filtering allows filtering to flow both directions between related tables, which allows for more intuitive filtering behavior between related tables. For example, if you set up bi-directional filtering between a Sales and Products table, selecting a sales transaction in the Sales table would automatically filter the Products table to show the associated product, and vice versa.
New Department Overview report page on the Category Benchmarking report
What’s new?
The new Department Overview pages allows you to monitor the impact of both product segmentation and path to purchase, so you can understand performance drivers for the entire category.
Product filters now allow you to search by product name as well as product number
What’s new?
To help you more easily locate products in our filters, you can now search product filters using either product number or product name (item description).
All reports now contain the latest Walmart week
What’s new?
We’ve added the most current completed Walmart year and week number to the report header area of each report page to help you quickly identify date information for our reports.
Crisp and UNFI dashboard enhancements
UNFI Conventional Specialty Chain Sales dashboards now deprecated as data has been added to Conventional Sales dashboards
What’s new?
We have deprecated specialty chain sales dashboards as all of the data found in those dashboards is now available in the sales dashboards. Confidential stores under non-confidential chains, like Bravo and Niemann, are visible in the Sales by Chain table.
Conventional Distribution Expansion dashboard now loads faster
What’s new?
We’ve made performance enhancements to this dashboard for faster load times.
On key UNFI dashboards, you can now roll products up by product name or UPC
What’s new?
Previously, we rolled up different UPCs with the same product name, but sometimes products with the same name from UNFI did not need to be rolled up as people wanted to see those UPCs separately. You can now use the Group by Product or UPC filter to decide if you want to roll your products up by product name or UPC to ensure you can analyze their products the way it makes sense for your business.
How do I see it?
From any UNFI Sales, Distribution, Velocity, or Inventory dashboard, just select the new Group by Product or UPC filter, then select the criteria by which you want to group products. If you select Product, products with the same name will be rolled up into one. If you select UPC, products with the same UPC will be rolled up into one.
Source and Destination connector updates
New Kroger Stratum Direct tables
What’s new?
This connector now contains the following new tables:
- Warehouse Substitutions: Provides better insight into which case UPCs are being used for substitutions of store orders and it includes 3 months of history.
- Store Deliveries: Provides information on deliveries to stores from warehouses by Base UPC/Case UPC, and includes 3 months of history.
- Warehouse Orders: Provides information on orders from the Kroger warehouse to vendors.
- Store Authorization: Provides information on product store authorization.
New Kroger Data Direct report: Store Deliveries
What’s new?
A new report was released in Data Direct called Store Deliveries, so we added new corresponding data tables in Crisp. This report shows deliveries to store from their their assigned warehouses.
New Kroger Data Direct report: Warehouse Substitutions
What’s new?
A new report was released in Data Direct called Warehouse Substitutions, so we've added new corresponding data tables in Crisp. This report shows substitutions of store orders with different cases to allow for better visibility to which case UPCs are being substituted.
April 2024 updates
Crisp Retail Analytics updates
New velocity time intelligence measures
What’s new?
We’ve added the following measures to our fuzzy time ranges, allowing you to use pre-built fuzzy time periods for these measures and simplify your year over year and week over week comparisons for multiple time periods.
- Velocity Sales (Traited Stores)
- Velocity Sales (Valid Stores)
- Stores Scanning
You can now more easily search for custom filters to add to your reports
What’s new?
If you want to change a filter on your reports, you can now select the More options menu on a filter and see an option to search for a visualization. Previously, this functionality was only available by selecting Ctrl+F or Cmd+F, so was harder to discover and use.
How do I see it?
Just click the More options (…) button at the top right of a filter (e.g., Product Category) then select Search.
Product Mix Breakdown report enhancement
What’s new?
Now, on the Post Modular Review page, if you select a bar in a visualization, the other visualizations in this report filter based on your selection.
The Launch Success Tracker report now more accurately portrays stores not selling
What’s new?
Previously, the Stores Not Selling (Traited) metric on this report was displaying stores that did not sell the product over the entire lifespan of the store, rather than just over the selected period. We’ve adjusted this calculation to now accurately portray stores not selling in the selected period.
The Adhoc report now contains a page that allows you to analyze a future time period for forecasting
What’s new?
You can now create an Adhoc report for a future time period to view your forecast information. Previously, you could not set this report to a future date.
All reports now contain a “Current Week” time filter option
What’s new?
On Charter and Advisor reports, all Select a Time Period filters now contain a Current Week option.
Category Benchmarking report enhancements
What’s new?
We made the following enhancements to this report.
Updates to all pages
- We made some adjustments to margins, spacing, and layering to enhance the layout of pages in this report.
- We added titles to all charts
- We removed decimal points from Fact UPC Sales measures
Overview page
- We combined the top two matrix visualizations into one
- We combined the bottom two tables into one and move the charts below the combined table
Sales and Share by Segment page
- Removed subtotals from the matrix
- Ensured stacked bar charts were sorted the same and aligned correctly
Item Details page
Added grand totals to the matrix
Luminate normalized model changes allow for simplified filter options
What’s new?
Previously, product subdimensions (e.g., category group, category, subcategory, department, segment) contained both e-commerce and in store data. Now, e-commerce products have the following distinct product subdimensions: Dim Ecomm Prod Cat Group, Dim Ecomm Prod Dept, Dim Ecomm Prod Cat, Dim Ecomm Prod Subcat, Dim Ecomm Prod Segment.
E-commerce data has been removed from the following product subdimensions: Dim Brand, Dim Product, Category Group, Dim Product Department, Dim Product Category, Dim Product Subcategory, Dim Product Segment, Dim Product Fineline, Dim Product Status, Dim Product Type.
Having subdimensions that are more targeted to the type of data people are analyzing allows us to simplify our filter options.
Futurecast report enhancements
What’s new?
We made some adjustments to margins and table widths to enhance the layout of this report.
- On the Item Summary page, the table now sorts descending to “Avg POS L4W vs Avg N4W Forecast” by default.
- On the DC Item Summary and Store Item Summary pages, the tables now have a “valid store count is not blank” filter applied to allow you to focus only on valid store trends and reduce noise in the data.
Supply Chain Diagnostics Charter and Advisor report enhancements
What’s new?
We made some adjustments to margins and transparency to enhance the layout of pages in this report.
On the Supply Chain Diagnostics - Replenishment Action - Summary page:
- The trend chart is now disconnected from the Select a Time Period filter and set to statically represent the previous 52 weeks of trends, regardless of filters, to show appropriate context to the underlying trends.
- The table now has a “valid store count is not blank” filter applied to allow you to focus only on valid store trends and reduce noise in the data.
- The table columns have been reordered to reflect how most people review and switch between them and allow them to more easily spot correlating trends.
Performance Insights report improvements
What’s new?
Previously, the brand filter was not connected to the other filters in this report, so if you applied a category filter, for example, the brand filter would display all brands, not just those in the selected category. The brand filter is now connected to the other filters, so the options in it update based on the other filters you have selected.
Sales amount and sales quantity tables now have unnecessary subtotals removed to make reviewing the data easier.
On the Futurecast report, we resolved an issue where forecast values were inflated for some customers
What’s new?
We resolved an issue where some forecast values were inflated due to the models not being refreshed to pick up the latest records.
New Crisp Modular Plan Status dimension will allow you to more easily identify a product’s modular status
What’s new?
Currently, to understand whether a product is currently on a modular you need to use modular start and end dates, which can be difficult if you don't know the exact dates. We created a new dimension in the Modular Plan dataset that uses logic on the effective date and discontinue date to determine a product’s status on the modular (current, discontinued, or future).
This new dimension will allow us to add Crisp Modular Status filters to reports like Product Mix Breakdown and Portfolio Strategy, to help you more easily understand a product’s status on a modular.
You can now drag to change the width of the report menu in Crisp Retail Analytics
What’s new?
You can now click and drag the report menu to expand it, so you can see report and page names more easily.
Digital Pulse report filters now persist when you select different pages in the report
What’s new?
We resolved an issue where when you switched between pages in this report, the filters did not persist.
Luminate Retail Excellence Charter and Category Advisor report enhancements
What’s new?
We’ve updated this report with the following enhancements:
- We added a new Store Fulfillment Trend page to this report that allows you to easily review first time pick rate and pre and post-substitution rates over time to assess whether your brand’s products are performing well on availability for online orders and ensure your are meeting the targets provided by your merchants.
- The current week is now an option in the time period filter and the time period filter now defaults to the past 13 weeks.
- We made some adjustments to margins, spacing, and layering to enhance the layout of this report.
Luminate Adhoc report enhancements
What’s new?
We’ve updated this report with the following enhancements:
- We updated the Select a Time Period filter on the Select a Time Period page to now only allow you to select a single option.
- We made some adjustments to margins, spacing, and layering to enhance the layout of this report.
Luminate Pricing Dynamics report enhancements
What’s new?
We’ve updated this report with the following enhancements:
- The time period now defaults to Last Week.
- We made some adjustments to margins, spacing, and layering to enhance the layout of this report.
- We have improved performance on the Pricing Dynamics Price Point Map page by moving the map and table visuals to a hidden page that you can only access via drill through from the main page.
Luminate Digital Pulse report enhancements
What’s new?
This report includes a new Publication Insights Store Detail page that allows you to easily drill-down to store details for the following lost sales metrics: Untransactable POD Count and Digitally Transactable Lost Sales. We also made the following enhancements:
- The time period filter on pages in this report now defaults to Last Week.
- We made some adjustments to margins, spacing, and layering to enhance the layout of this report.
- The Publication Insights Trend page is renamed to Publication Insights Reason Summary.
- The table on the Publication Insights Details page now contains the total store count.
- On the Digital Pulse Item Detail page, we changed the trend chart to an item hierarchical bar chart that allows you to drill down to the item level.
Crisp and UNFI dashboard enhancements
We resolved an issue on KeHE inventory dashboards where weeks of supply were incorrect for customers with multiple supplier IDs
What’s new?
Previously, our weeks of supply (WOS) calculation could only include one max sales date, which caused the calculation to be off for customers that had more than one supplier id (and thus more than one max sales date). This issue has been resolved and KeHE inventory dashboards now include accurate WOS values.
New warning message that appears before you delete a connector
What’s new?
Previously, if you deleted a connector, assuming you could recreate it without losing data, you didn't receive a warning that deleting a connector also deletes your historical data. You now receive a warning message when you try to delete a connector that informs you of this. If you are having trouble with credentials or otherwise need help re-establishing a connection, please contact Crisp support.
We’ve added a “report last updated” tile to all standard Crisp dashboards
What’s new?
All Crisp dashboards now include a tile with the date the dashboard was last updated to make sure you aren’t referencing stale data and help remind you to update out-of-date connectors.
Year Over Year dashboards now provide more custom filter options and accurate year start values
What’s new?
The filters on year over year dashboards now provide more custom ranges, similar to other dashboards, including custom time filter ranges. We also fixed a bug where filtering to the current year incorrectly showed 0 values in charts for the first week of the year.
Source and Destination connector updates
New Walmart Luminate eComm Subscriptions tables
What’s new?
These new tables provide information about items that are sold online as part of a subscription and includes sales, shipments, and delivery data.
Note: This feed is for supplier performance only (there is no equivalent category advisor feed).
March 2024 updates
Crisp Retail Analytics updates
Unnecessary folders on Crisp Retail Analytics reports are now hidden to make it easier to personalize visualizations
What’s new?
When you personalize the columns in your visualizations, you are presented with a wide variety of options that can be a lot to sort through. We’ve now hidden Row Count folders from the available options, as these are not columns typically used, to reduce visual clutter and make it easier to find the columns you need.
New Crisp Retail Analytics Launch Success reports for Luminate Charter and Basic
What’s new?
These reports provide new item tracking and insights to help you gauge the success of product launches. You can select your item(s) and understand weekly performance, instock, store counts, % of valid stores scanning, and # of stores not selling.
New Category Benchmarking report for Luminate Charter
What’s new?
This report provides category information about shopper behavior down to the UPC level. This is the first time that Walmart has provided category visibility for non-category advisors. You can see Store/UPC/Week data for the categories in which you participate.
New Adhoc report for Luminate Charter and Basic
What’s new?
This report provides a nearly blank canvas for you to create an on the fly analysis to answer specific business questions. You can quickly add the Dimensions and Facts that are relevant to the business question at hand. This report also includes bulk store and item slicers, so you can paste a list and get to the exact stores and/or items you are interested in without the need to search through separate slicers and make one selection at a time. We’ve also made some enhancements from the original version where we streamlined tables and visualizations on this report, added a matrix visualization, and made some substitutions for the basic version.
New Markup Markdown (MUMD) page on the Performance Insights report
What’s new?
This new report page provides information on item markups/markdowns to help you measure sales against price changes, promotions, etc.
For Luminate reports, search now includes report pages
What’s new?
Now, when you search Luminate Crisp Retail Analytics reports, your results will also include report pages that are hidden or lower in the report hierarchy to improve the scope and quality of search results.
New option to clear recent reports
What’s new?
When you access Crisp Retail Analytics reports, the initial screen lists your recent reports. You can now clear these recent reports if needed.
Enhanced supplier scorecard page on the Crisp Retail Analytics Performance Insights report
What’s new?
The metrics in the Sales metrics table on this report now more closely align with the metrics in the Luminate Charter Scorecard source report, so you don't have to manually access data in the Luminate tool provided by Walmart.
New Utilities report for Luminate Charter and Basic
What’s new?
This new report allows you to see a comprehensive product and store list, so you can easily check for issues with your products or find store details to help you take action on insights or address issues.
All Crisp Retail Analytics reports now use common filters
What’s new?
All Crisp Retail Analytics reports now use a common filter header that includes the following filters: Product Slicer, Store Slicer, and Select a Time Period. A common set of filters/slicers helps provide a consistent experience across reports.
Visualizations where you can drill-through to another page now include a drill-through icon
What’s new?
On Crisp Retail Analytics reports, you can now more easily identify visualizations where you can drill-through to get more granular data with a new icon on visualizations that allow drill-through.
How do I see it?
Look for the magnifying glass icon at the top of a visualization that indicates you can drill-through on the visualization to get more details.
Crisp Retail Analytics Luminate Basic Performance Insights report enhancements
What’s new?
We’ve updated the Performance Insights report for Luminate Basic with the following enhancements:
- On all report pages, we’ve made adjustments to ensure the hover toolbar menu is not hidden on small screens.
- Insights Dashboard page enhancements:
- We’ve renamed the Insights Dashboard report page to Insights Overview.
- We’ve changed the POS Sales $ by Brand chart to be POS Sales $ by Order Channel.
- Now, if you select a state in the heat map, the other visualizations in this report filter to the selected state.
- Now, if you select a bar in the Last 52 Weeks- POS Sales visualization, the other two visualizations on this report do not filter by your selection for better usability.
- Performance Insights Item Detail page enhancements
- We’ve removed subtotals from the Sales Metrics table to avoid repeat data.
New Crisp Retail Analytics Pricing Dynamics report and bug fixes
What’s new?
This new report helps you refine your pricing strategy to boost sales and margins. We have also fixed an issue where on the initial version of the Price Change Velocity Tracker page of this report certain visualizations were not displaying data.
New Supply Chain Diagnostics report for Luminate Basic and new content for Charter
What’s new?
The Supply Chain Diagnostics report, which helps you identify and resolve supply chain inefficiencies to streamline your operations, is now available for Luminate Basic. We’ve also added the following new pages to this report for Luminarte Charter (these report pages are also available in the Luminate Basic version, but were built into that report from the start):
- Replenishment Action - Summary: Helps you see the lost sales impact by product, so you can better strategize replenishment.
- Replenishment Action - Store Detail: Allows you to drill-in and take action on replenishment at the store level.
Luminate Charter Digital Pulse report enhancements
What’s new?
We’ve made the following naming enhancements to this report:
- The Top 10 Lost Sales visualization is renamed to Top 10 Lost Sales - Last 90 Days.
- The Lost Sales chart is renamed to Lost Sales - Last 90 Days.
Crisp and UNFI dashboard enhancements
UNFI dashboards now display channel names instead of just channel numbers
What’s new?
UNFI data typically just includes a channel number, so we previously listed only numbers in our channel filters on UNFI dashboards. We now include the channel name in these filters to help you more easily find the channels you are looking for.
Stop and Shop store number 9242 now displays correct address location
What’s new?
We resolved an issue where our store cleanup process was causing store number 9242 to list the address location as Florida, when this store is actually located in New Jersey.
UNFI Insights Conventional dashboards now include a CMAP filter to help you focus on cases on promotion
What’s new?
Some people use CMAP (Category Management Allowance Program) data to identify cases on promotion, so we added this as a filter. You can now filter for a promotion time period, then filter for a specific CMAP value (equal to your case allowance for the promotion) to help you pinpoint just cases that went toward a specific promotion.
How do I see it?
From the filters section of a dashboard, select More, then enter a value in the CMAP field.
UNFI Insights Chain filter and fields now reflect the chain name rather than the store owner name
What’s new?
The conventional chain field provided by UNFI actually provides the store owner, rather than the chain name most people know and use. In our dashboards, we previously displayed the chain the way UNFI did. To make it easier for you to see the chain data you need, we updated the Chain filters and fields in UNFI Insights dashboards to be based on the UNFI grp_2_description field which provides the chain name that suppliers are typically familiar with.
Edit products more easily on the redesigned Master Data Management (MDM) screen
What’s new?
The new version of this screen allows you to more easily edit product details and create store region groups. The legacy Edit Products screen has been deprecated. The new screen provides the following new features:
- Summary tab: Provides information about what has changed for your products and stores since the last time you uploaded a file, so you can keep track of changes you may want to take action on.
- Store data tab: Allows you to create store region groups that you can use to filter your dashboards by regions/groups that make sense for your business. For example, if you want to focus on stores in the southwestern United States and not all your retailers/distributors group stores that way, you can create your own store grouping. You can also create groups for things that are not based on region, such as stores at which you are running a promotion or stores you want to focus on for outreach on supply issues.
- Change log: Easily see when updates to your MDM file were made, how many rows were updated, and who made the change.
- Progress stepper: When you upload MDM changes, you can now see a progress step indicator to let you know where your changes are in the process of being validated and submitted.
- Download New Rows button: You can now choose to download a file that contains only rows that are new since your last upload, so that uploading/downloading is quicker and you can focus only on new rows that may need your attention.
How do I see it?
From the navigation sidebar or home screen in Crisp, just select MDM.
How do I learn more?
See the Managing products and store groups with master data manager (MDM) article.
Source and Destination connector updates
New Kroger Stratum tables and fix for source schema change
What’s new?
We now have the following new reports available:
- Warehouse Inventory
- Expected Price
- Store Inventory
- Sales Plan
We have also fixed an issue where the way we were handling the "transaction date" field started causing pipeline issues when Kroger changed this field from mandatory to optional.
Kroger Stratum Direct normalized data now available
What’s new?
The normalized data tables for this connector are now available.
Walmart Luminate Item Attribute tables include new item share metrics
What’s new?
On Item Attribute tables, new item share metrics are available which allow a supplier to see specific items that belong to a different supplier inside Luminate Charter without requiring either supplier to be a category advisor.
The Item Attribute tables have been updated with two new flags:
- item_share_ind: Indicates whether or not an item is visible through Retail Link Item Share access.
- item_share_cost_ind: Indicates whether or not item costs are visible through Retail Link Item Share access.
Note: A brand has to have specific rights inside of Retail Link to see cost information. If you have these rights, then cost information will be present for that item.
New column on the Walmart Luminate UPC Custom Attribution table allows you to see what type of user a UPC belongs to
What’s new?
The new shopper_user_persona primary key column has been added to the UPC Custom Attribution tables, so that you can easily identify if a UPC number belongs to the supplier or the category advisor.
New Walmart Luminate eComm Subscriptions tables
What’s new?
We've added a new table for this feed that provides sales, shipment, and delivery information about items that are sold online as part of a subscription.
New Walmart Luminate Hourly Store Inventory tables
What’s new?
We've added a new table for this feed that provides the ability to track inventory at a GTIN level. While data will be reported at an hourly granularity we are only receiving this feed daily.
New Walmart Luminate Category Advisor Store Customer Return tables
What’s new?
Store Customer Return tables are now available for the category advisor connector. These tables provide insights into items returned to the store by customers, including the return reason and defect percentage, at a store, item, day level.
New Walmart Luminate Category Advisor Feed Store Returns tables
What’s new?
Store Returns tables are now available for the category advisor connector. These tables provide data on store customer returns, at the store item day level, in order to derive insights into returned items, along with additional information such as return reason (e.g., defective), quantity, and more.