This report provides category growth and distribution data to help you quickly identify customers where a new or existing product's category is growing, so you can target those customers for expansion. You can also use this data to help you pinpoint growing categories on which to focus your product development efforts. 

Note: This report is in beta release. For questions or feedback, please contact Crisp support

Expansion Summary page

Overview tiles

These visualizations appear at the top of the page and provide key performance indicators (KPIs) to help you get a quick snapshot of your distribution penetration and the opportunities for expansion. They display totals for the selected time period (by default the last 13 weeks). You can change the time period using the Select a Time Period filter at the bottom of the screen. 

  • My Customers- Displays the number of customers for your products in the selected time period. 
  • Category Customers- Displays the number of customers with products in your categories. 
  • Category Customer Penetration %- Displays the percentage of category customers at which you have products. 
  • My PODs- Displays your count of points of distribution. 
  • Category PODs- Displays the number of points of distribution in your categories. 
  • Category Distribution Penetration %- Displays the percentage of category points of distribution to which you are currently distributing your products. 

Other visualizations

  • My Customer Penetration (chart)- This chart displays your customers alongside category customers and category customer penetration, so you can compare customers that sell products in your category to where your product is actually sold. 

  • My Product Penetration (chart)- This chart displays your PODs alongside category PODs and category distribution penetration, to help you understand the degree to which your product has penetrated the points of distribution in your category. 

Product Detail page

This page provides sales and distribution penetration information by category and subcategory to help you pinpoint categories and products that might be ripe for expansion. 


  • Distribution Gap by Category (table)- Allows you to compare your sales and distribution to category sales and distribution by product category. 
  • Distribution Gap by Product Category (chart)- Indicates how well you are performing on distribution penetration for each product category. 
  • Distribution Gap by Product Subcategory (chart)- Indicates how well you are performing on distribution penetration for each product subcategory.

Customer Detail page

This page provides distribution penetration information by geographic regions to help you understand which places are driving distribution performance.


  • Distribution Gap By Category and Customer City (table)- Displays your sales and distribution information alongside the category information by city.
  • Distribution Gap by Customer State/Province (chart)- Indicates how well you are performing on distribution penetration for each customer state/province. 
  • Distribution Gap by Customer City (chart)- Indicates how well you are performing on distribution penetration for each customer city.