
On the Crisp status page, you can check the status of Crisp systems to confirm things are running smoothly, subscribe to email alerts from Crisp about planned downtime and system issues, and review past incidents.

Subscribe to email updates

To sign up to receive email notifications and updates from the Crisp Status page, complete the following steps. 

  1. Go to https://status.gocrisp.com/
  2. From the top-right of the screener, select Subscribe To Updates
  3. Enter your email address, then select the Subscribe Via Email button.
    An email is sent to you to confirm your subscription and a screen appears that allows you specify which Crisp products and components (e.g., retailers, destination connectors, etc.) that you want to be notified about, so you can easily track the status of parts of the system you manage. 
  4. Select the Crisp products and components for which you want to receive email updates.
    Note: All options are selected by default. 
  5. Select the Save button. 
  6. Open the confirmation email you received from Crisp, then select Confirm subscription.
    Your selections are saved and your subscription is confirmed. You will now receive email updates when there are service updates for the selected products and components. 

If you would prefer not to subscribe to email notifications, you can also bookmark this page and check for updates.