Suppliers who sell through KeHE have access to information about their sales through the KeHE Connect portal.
By setting up a connector between Crisp and this portal, you can analyze the data using Crisp's easy-to-use, actionable dashboards or feed that data into any data destination.
You can learn more about subscriptions to the Crisp KeHE dashboard here.
Note: To set up this connection, you will need to have your KeHE Connect portal credentials on hand and have reporter permissions.
Log into KeHE Connect and confirm ESN and Brand configuration:
- Log into your KeHE Connect account
- From the Connect BI drop-down menu, select Connect Data.
- Select Reporting.
- From the Report drop-down menu at the top right, select the Chains and Stores that Ordered an Item report.
Note: If you cannot access this report, there may be an issue with your account setup with KeHE. Contact your representative at KeHE to make sure your account is set up correctly and has reporting access. - Select the Enterprise Supplier drop-down menu. Take note of the Enterprise Supplier Number (ESN) listed, you will need this number to connect KeHE to Crisp.
- Confirm that the Brand field in this report is not empty, indicating that your KeHE Connect account has the brand access required to connect to Crisp. If this field is empty, contact your representative at KeHE to ensure your account has brand access.
Connect your Crisp account to your KeHE Connect portal:
Log into your Crisp account.
- From the main menu on the left side of the screen, select Connectors.
- Select the Add connector button.
- Select the KeHE connector tile.
If you want, update the name of the connector. Then, enter the email address and password for your Kehe Connect portal login.
- Enter the Enterprise Supplier Number (ESN) you want to connect, then select the Save button.
Note: If you have multiple ESNs, please contact
A diagnostic checklist appears on the right side of the screen. Once all the items are complete, green check marks appear next to them and the connection is finalized.