
You can connect Crisp with Google Cloud Storage (GCS), so you can sync your distributor and retailer data securely to the cloud and integrate that information with your own internal applications.
Note: To set up this connection, you
need access to a GCS account and the name of the GCS bucket to which you want to connect your data.


  1. Log into your Crisp account.
  2. From the main menu on the left side of the screen, select Connectors.


  3. Select the Add connector button.
  4. Select the Data Destinations tab, then select the Google Cloud Storage connector tile. 


  5. If you want, update the default name of the connector. If you're going to set up multiple data feeds to this destination, we recommend using something unique.

  6. In the Bucket field, enter the name of the GCS bucket to which you want to connect your Crisp data. 
  7. Select your GCS access and authorization method.

    • For Google OAuth, select the Sign in with Google button, then, in the window that appears,  sign in with your Google account.
    • For Service Account, you will need to authenticate your account using your Service Account Key. You can obtain this key from your GCS account through Identify and Access Management (IAM). Within IAM, you need to grant access for Crisp to write to your storage bucket. Then, create and save a JSON key and drag and drop it Drag and drop here field in Crisp.


  8. Select an output format (e.g., CSV) and specify whether you want the files to be delivered compressed or not.


  9. If you want, fill out the next three fields to further customize how you receive the data files.

  10. In the Connector source data section, select the Select button.
    The Select source data screen appears.

  11. Select the retailer for which you want to export data (e.g., UNFI), then choose which data tables and columns to include in the export. For detailed instructions on making your data feed selections, see Selecting Destination Data Sources.

    Hint: You can select the book icon to the right of a table name to see its documentation.

  12. To complete your selections, select the Accept button.

    The window closes and you return to the connector setup screen.

  13. If you want to include a column in your export that identifies which source connector the data came from, select the Include Source Connector Configuration ID option.

    Hint: This is useful if you have multiple connectors for the same retailer, such as one for U.S. sales and one for Canadian sales.
  14. Select the Save button.

    The connection is saved. You can check the status of the connection by clicking the new Google Cloud Storage tile. 

A diagnostic checklist appears on the right side of the screen. Once all the items are complete, green check marks appear next to them and the connection is finalized.