Crisp's sales dashboards allow you to monitor your business health and better strategize promotions and marketing campaigns, so you can make informed decisions that drive sales and profit. The Sales dashboard is divided into three sections:

  • Overview: See a snapshot of what's going on with your sales.
  • Drivers: Understand the events that contribute to your sales.
  • Details: Dig in to granular information that you can act on to improve your sales.

Note: Visualizations may differ depending on which retailer or distributor is represented. Distributor dashboards (e.g. UNFI, KeHE) are based on shipping sales, while retailer dashboards (e.g. Walmart, Whole Foods) are based on scanning sales. The decision to include or exclude zero sales weeks will impact your dashboard.


The Overview section provides high-level information about your sales. Use the following map of the screen to guide you.



1.png Sales Quantity/Dollars Over Time

This line graph allows you to track growth, analyze promotions after they've happened, and identify cyclical and seasonal patterns. You can hover over data points on the graph for more information, click a data point to filter the graph by a specific date, or add filters to hone in on specific products or time periods. For more: Applying Filters.

2.png Overview tiles

These tiles provide high-level information about your sales performance and patterns. Once you add filters, these tiles add even more context, displaying exact counts in dollars, units, products, and locations based on the name and address of the customer.

Hint: If you want to see the values that contributed to this total broken down by product or just quickly evaluate trends over time for all your products individually without filtering, you can right-click the total and select Show by product over time.

3.png Sales by Product

This sortable table shows your top-performing products and updates based on your selected filters.

Sales Drivers

Sales Dashboard_Drivers.png

1.png Sales by dimension (heat map)

This regional heat map allows you to quickly observe regions where product popularity is high versus regions that are underperforming. Hover over a state or region to see sales dollars and sales quantity. If available, you can see data by zip code by right-clicking a state and selecting By store zip, enabling you and your marketing team to make more strategic decisions regarding SEO and distribution.

2.png Sales by dimension (tables)

These sortable tables provide sales data based on dimensions like city, chain, or distribution center to help you gauge where your performance is high and low. You can use this information to:

  • Spot top-performing cities which can help you make decisions on product placement and geo-targeting.
  • Understand which chains are purchasing your products and which are underperforming or not purchasing anymore.
  • See which distribution centers stock your products to give you a better sense of regionality.

Sales Details

Sales Dashboard_Details.png

This table provides more granular information to help you put your insights into action. You can click on a cell to filter the table or select the Tile actions menu (Screen Shot 2022-01-05 at 10.00.27 PM.png), then select Download data to export your data to an Excel file that you can easily share with others.

Note: The Average Sales Quantity column in this table represents the average sales quantity for the selected period for the days when there were sales (days with zero sales are not factored into this calculation). This metric does not represent velocity. For information on velocity data, see Velocity dashboard overview.