You can connect data from retailers that email their reports to Crisp, so you can securely download and sync email reports to any destination connectors in Crisp. For more: Exporting Your Data.

Crisp currently has email report connectors for the following retailers:

  • Aldi

  • BJ's Wholesale

  • Bunzl
  • Snyders-Lance 

  • Tony’s Fine Foods

To connect email report data to Crisp:

1. Log in to your Crisp account.

2. From the main menu on the left side of the screen, select Connectors.

3. Select the Add connector button.


4. Select the tile for the retailer you want to add (e.g., Bunzl).


5. If you want, update the default name for your connector, then select the Save button.


A new tile appears in the connector list.

6. Select the new tile for the connector.


An edit screen appears that provides an ingest email address where the reports need to be sent for Crisp to acquire the report data.

7. Below the Ingest Email Address field, select Copy to clipboard.  


8. To enable Crisp to start ingesting the data from these reports, contact the retailer and have them add the copied email address to the distribution list. You can also set up autoforwarding within your own email account to have the reports sent to Crisp (instructions vary by email client).

Note: You can backfill previous reports by sending those reports to the ingest email address, either individually or as a single email with multiple attachments. 


Want to know everything we ingest from email reports? Log in to Crisp and visit our data catalog page for more information.