You can generate a list of stores based on their sales, so you can determine the best stores for assortment expansions, partner collaboration, and marketing efforts.

Note: This tutorial requires that you have access to Microsoft® Excel. 


  1. From the main menu on the left side of the screen, select Analytics.


    The Analytics menu appears.

  2. Select the sales dashboard for the retailer for which you want to find top-performing stores. In this example, we'll look at the KeHE Explore Sales dashboard.


  3. At the bottom of the page, in the Sales Details table, click the Tile actions button, then select Download data.

  4. From the Format drop-down menu, select Excel spreadsheet (Excel 2007 or later).

    Note: If you have more than 500 stores, click Advanced data options, then in the Number of rows to include section, select All results.

  5. Click the Download button. 


    An Excel spreadsheet opens.

  6. Highlight the Store column, then hold down the Ctrl key (or command key on a Mac) and highlight either the Sales Quantity or Sales Dollars column (depending on which metric you want to use to gauge performance). 

  7. With the two columns highlighted, select the Analyze Data button at the top right of the screen. Note: This button is only available in newer versions of Excel. 

    The Analyze Data panel appears on the right side of the screen.

  8. From the Discover insights section, select Insert PivotTable.

    A new tab appears in the spreadsheet with your stores sorted based on the sales column you selected.