You can generate a list of stores based on their sales, so you can determine the best stores for assortment expansions, partner collaboration, and marketing efforts.
Note: This tutorial requires that you have access to Microsoft® Excel.
- From the main menu on the left side of the screen, select Analytics.
The Analytics menu appears.
- Select the sales dashboard for the retailer for which you want to find top-performing stores. In this example, we'll look at the KeHE Explore Sales dashboard.
- At the bottom of the page, in the Sales Details table, click the Tile actions button, then select Download data.
- From the Format drop-down menu, select Excel spreadsheet (Excel 2007 or later).
Note: If you have more than 500 stores, click Advanced data options, then in the Number of rows to include section, select All results.
- Click the Download button.
An Excel spreadsheet opens.
- Highlight the Store column, then hold down the Ctrl key (or command key on a Mac) and highlight either the Sales Quantity or Sales Dollars column (depending on which metric you want to use to gauge performance).
- With the two columns highlighted, select the Analyze Data button at the top right of the screen. Note: This button is only available in newer versions of Excel.
The Analyze Data panel appears on the right side of the screen.
- From the Discover insights section, select Insert PivotTable.
A new tab appears in the spreadsheet with your stores sorted based on the sales column you selected.