Once you add the Crisp Add-In for Excel, you can set up filters to automatically filter your reports as the data syncs to Excel. 

If you have a large data set, using filters can help you reduce sync time and avoid exceeding the row limits of Excel. 


  1. If you want to filter for specific criteria for which you aren't sure the exact value or format, such as a UPC, DPIC, or store address, you may want to sync the report before you apply filters, so you can copy/paste values from the Excel file. To sync a report, just select the Sync now button below the report. For more on adding the Excel add-in and syncing reports: Downloading and using the MacOS Add-in for Excel.

    Note: If you have a large data set and want to prevent exceeding Excel's row limits, you can select Stop sync at any time to stop the sync and access just the data synced so far. 

  2. Select the filter icon to the right of the report you want to filter. 

  3. Select the Add condition button. 


  4. Choose the column for which you want to specify a filter condition (e.g., Retailer). 


  5. Select an operator (e.g., is) to specify how you want to filter the data.
    Hint: If you are not sure the exact value you want to filter for, you can choose the contains operator and enter an inexact or partial value.


  6. Enter the column value for which you want to filter (e.g., HEB). 
    Note:  If you want to filter for all matches for the column value you specified, regardless of case, you can select Ignore case. For numeric columns, you can enter integer (e.g., 25) or floating point (e.g., 25.95) values. 

    Hint: If you don't know the format or value by memory, you can copy/paste a value (e.g., 0000000000014) from the Excel report.
  7. If you want create another condition for the report, repeat steps 2-5, then use the AND/OR drop-down menu to specify how the conditions are evaluated together.


  8. If you want to create more sophisticated filter conditions using an expanded set of columns and operators, you can click the Advanced link and enter your own expressions.
    For example, if you want to see which states are low on the 60-ounce version of your product, but you have different thresholds for low stock in each state, you could use the following expression:
    endswith(Product, '60 OZ')
    ((DcState eq 'CO' and ProductQtyOnHand lt 10) 
    (DcState eq 'PA' and ProductQtyOnHand lt 20))
    For a full list of available options for building expressions, see Odata filter reference.

  9.  Select the Save button.

Each report loads in its own tab and your reports will automatically filter based on the conditions you specified.